Saturday, February 28, 2015

Putting Too Many in Prison...Or Not Enough

On the night of the Oscars, John Legend said the words that have people finally taking an interest in the fact that blacks are being judged and jailed more than whites who commit the same crimes.

So my question really becomes what is the true issue that is getting lost in all of the back and forth.  Are we upset that people have committed crimes are being put in jail for it or are we upset that white people are not being jailed for the same crime?  I see alot of discussion but the real point always seems to get lost in the conversation.

Criminals are still criminals whether they are black, white or other.  If they have committed a crime they deserve the punishment that they get.  Who are we to say that we know what goes into a decision on when someone is sent to jail and when someone is not.  Are we in the minds of the judge, the jury, the prosecutor?  Whose issue is it when the person gets a bad lawyer because they can't afford a good one, is it the circle of lawyers who won't give up their high rate to help those that need it or is the poor overworked court appointed lawyer who doesn't take his job seriously?  We just assume that we know because it is easier for us to judge then to find out all of the information before we say anything.  How many times have people of color been given a break to only go out and commit another crime?  I do not see people discussing that.

They say that many people are jailed for victimless crimes such as marijuana possession but because of their color they are being persecuted more than whites.  Is it again because people think of marijuana as a victimless crime or is it because people of color get different treatment than whites?  Laws are created to protect us and if the law is unjust then it should be fought but until it is changed people should be arrested for it.  People think that carrying a concealed weapon should not be against the law but tell that to the person who is shot because a person doesn't like their religion.  The speed limit is a law but people always want to go faster than what it given, they don't seem to complain when the cops ignore them for doing this until of course people are killed because people drive like idiots.  Again is it because people really think these laws are unjust or because it intereferes with their circle of comfort.

One of the things I find to be funny is when a sport or hollywood star are given a pass because of their celebrity, whether they are black or white, no one seems to care about them compared to the ordinary citizen.  As long as they can still perform for us that is what we really want.  Does anyone remember Kobe Bryant sexually assaulting someone?  People bullied the victim, was this because they thought she was making up the story or was it because it was Kobe Bryant?  Would they have done the same if it was not a celebrity?

In the end, we need to get to the point of what we are fighting, is it that we want more criminals out on the street or is it that we want a fair and color blind justice system to put more criminals in jail?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

No Logic...Ending the Debate of Banning Gay Marriage

I was really interested in seeing for myself if the gay marriage topic was worth fighting for on either side.  So I read some articles on what people thought were the top reasons for being against gay marriage.  I read some articles on why the reasons were not valid.  In the end, what I realized is that there was no logical reason for banning gay marriage.

Here are the arguments that I say make no logical sense:


            It is against God’s law.  SO WHAT!!

Actually, homosexuality is ‘against’ God’s law so marriage is just an extension of that.  If gay people want to go against God’s law then let them be judged when it is their time.  Everyone else who commits sins has to be judged so there is no difference.

            It is not natural. WHY!!

What is the definition of natural?  Being in nature?  Well, animals are part of the natural world and they cannot marry so doesn’t that must mean that marriage doesn’t follow natural law.  Are we saying that gay people deserve less than animals?  Humans are not the only species on this planet, even though we like to think we are.

            It will have reverse discrimination for religious groups.  HOW!!

Homosexuals are probably not allowed in church today so would that change if they were allowed to be married?  Churches already have the right to turn away anyone from getting married so in this case they will still be allowed to be the religious bigots they always were.

It will cause people to have to have to deal with gay couples in their jobs such as issuing marriage license, even though their religion is against it.  GET OVER IT!!

So now we are going to say that people have the right in their job to not service anyone they do not care for.  Does Jim Crow laws sound familiar?

            To make sure we cover the basics, let’s see how using the Bible as an argument against gay marriage is illogical:

            The Bible says that divorced people having sex after the divorce are committing adultery (Matthew 5:32).  In that case we need a law that bans divorce because God tells us to. 

The Bible also says that if someone sleeps with a virgin and is not betrothed to her, then he must pay a price for that virgin and marry her (Exodus 22:16).  We should have police make sure that people sleeping with virgins marry those said virgins.  If they are paying for the price of the virgin, is that prostitution or slavery?

The Bible states that a woman should submit to their husbands as the husband is the head of the wife( Ephesians 5:22:33).  Why is there not a law to make sure women obey their man?

            It will ruin the institution of marriage.  NOT LIKELY!!

Let’s see, 50% of marriages end in divorce so I am sure that doesn’t ruin the institution.

Marriage is not a religious institution as someone can get married at the courthouse or by Elvis in Vegas.

            At one time it was not legal for people of different races to marry, now that this is legal does that ruin the institution of marriage?

            Going back to the bible again, it says polygamy is okay as long as it is in the laws of marriage.  So humans outlawed polygamy, not God. (Deut: 17:14-19 is about kings not polygamy).  Why then is this not fought to overturn?

There are many states that with parental consent, people under 18 can be married and in some with a court order can marry under the age of 16.

The institution of marriage has already been changed by man so how can anyone say that gay marriage will ruin the institution.


            The gay lifestyle will be more highlighted with gay marriage.  HOW!!

Since when does a marriage of any kind highlight a lifestyle?  I have a Hispanic friend who married an Oriental woman, did their marriage highlight their different cultures to the outside world?

It's a good thing our laws have made the lifestyle of racial discrimination or bigotry go away.  Oh wait...they didn't.

Children go to school with all different people, including racists, poor people, etc.  So what does it matter if your children go to school with children of gay people?

The Bible says tattoos are against God's law (Leviticus 19:28).  So when are we going to create laws that ban tattoos and then make sure tattoo artists are put in jail for flaunting their lifestyle.

            Gay people are already in the world, so their lifestyle is already out there, how does that change with marriage?  People should be more highlighted by what makes them different maybe then it would bring out more tolerance.



            I saved the best for last.

            The main reason for marriage is to procreate.  GREAT!!

If the act of sex is only to procreate, then we should:

Outlaw sex in any position that is not missionary (especially that doggy style) and oral sex.  We should have a monitor for all times that sex is being done when there is no chance to create a child.

            All couples that do not want a child need to have their marriage dissolved.

            All couples who cannot create a child need to have their marriage dissolved

            Children should have a mother and a father.  Then:

                        Single parents should be arrested for not being married.

                        No matter how abusive the significant other is, they should not divorce.

            Children who grow up with gay parents will become gay

                        So that means a child of a child abuser will always become a child abuser.

                        So that means an atheist will always become an atheist.

                        So that means a child of a porn star will always become a porn star.

In the end this is about people thinking everything they believe is what everyone else should believe.  So I say to those people:  The next time you are doing your sexual obligation, think if you want someone in your room judging you about it.  The next time you quote a Bible verse as your defense think about other parts of the Bible that you do not live by.  The next time you want to instill your belief on someone, ask yourself how would you react if they wanted to instill their belief on you. 

My final comment is for everyone to ask themselves how their life changes if gay people get married.  Then leave gay people alone and let them have the same expression of their love as anyone else.